- The straight joints are necessary parts for making up cementing pipe manifold and kill and choke manifolds.
- High pressure straights provided in four types: pressure seal, non-pressure seal, integral type and welding type
- Sizes for straights provided in 1″ ID to 4″ID and working pressure from 1000psi to 15000psi
- ​Available length of straight in 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, and 2.8m long.
Pressure Seal Type straights: FIG402 union, FIG602 union, FIG1002 union, FIG1502 union, and pressure rated from 4000psi to15000psi
Non-pressure Seal Type straights: Unions used in FIG206, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, and pressure rated from 2000psi to 15000psi
Conventional Integral Type straights: Unions used in FIG602 union?FIG1002 union?FIG1502 union;rated: 6000psi(42MPa)~15000psi(105MPa).
Integral H2S service Type straights: Unions used in FIG602 union, FIG1002 union, FIG1502 and pressure rated from 5000psi to 10000psi.
Welded Type straights: Unions used in FIG402 union, TR union in metric, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502 and Working pressure rated from 4000psi to 15000psi.
​Welded Flange Type straights: API flanges used in 2 1/16, 2 9/16, 3 1/8, 4 1/16, 3 1/16, and working pressures rated from 3000psi to 15000psi.
Non-pressure Seal Type straights: Unions used in FIG206, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, and pressure rated from 2000psi to 15000psi
Conventional Integral Type straights: Unions used in FIG602 union?FIG1002 union?FIG1502 union;rated: 6000psi(42MPa)~15000psi(105MPa).
Integral H2S service Type straights: Unions used in FIG602 union, FIG1002 union, FIG1502 and pressure rated from 5000psi to 10000psi.
Welded Type straights: Unions used in FIG402 union, TR union in metric, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502 and Working pressure rated from 4000psi to 15000psi.
​Welded Flange Type straights: API flanges used in 2 1/16, 2 9/16, 3 1/8, 4 1/16, 3 1/16, and working pressures rated from 3000psi to 15000psi.